Why You Need a Marketing Calendar and How to Create One

Will 2020 be the year you establish a Marketing Calendar?

There’s an old saying that goes like this:
“Something terrible happens if you don’t promote — nothing happens.”

But, you want something to happen with your business. You want it to thrive, grow and make money. To do that, you have to promote your products and services.

How Is There Time to Market When You’re Busy Doing Your “Day” Job?

One solution is to schedule regular marketing initiatives and follow up with action when your calendar dings.

Why? Here’s what the U.S. Small Business Administration says:

“Create a marketing calendar. Break down your marketing plan more specifically into a calendar that shows what type of marketing you will do each month, each week and even each day.

“This can include ad placements, PR campaigns, social media posts and more. By putting your plan on a calendar, you’re committed to carrying it out and things won’t fall through the cracks.”

Like facing any challenge, the first thing you need is a plan. Read on for our guide to help formulate a marketing plan.

Getting Started

Schedule a strategy session with key members of your organization. Plan a half or full day, offsite if possible, and tell your attendees to come prepared to brainstorm. Get together, turn off the cell phones, disconnect from email, and strategize.

Ask questions such as:

  • Where are we?
  • Where do we want to be in six months, a year, five years?
  • How do we get there?
  • Which marketing strategies have worked in the past and which haven’t?
  • Why should prospects choose us over our competitors?
  • How can we convey what differentiates us from our competitors?

Identify some specific goals. It’s no

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